Kids & Gender

Most of us parents were raised with certain expectations and beliefs about how boys and girls should behave. However, nowadays gender is becoming more fluid and less rigid, particularly for young people.

We want to assure you that it's okay to be open-minded and accepting as your child explores their identity and who they truly want to be. Embracing their journey with love and support can make a significant difference in their confidence and overall well-being. Remember, they are finding their own path, and your understanding presence will make a huge difference for them and for your relationship with them.

The Kids and Gender Toolbox (by Kahukura and partners) has been developed with the utmost care, specifically for parents who may not yet have delved into the world of Rainbow identities. It aims to provide you with a better understanding of what your child may be experiencing and empower you to be a loving and supportive presence in their lives.

Kahukura emphasises that it is natural to have questions when your son loves wearing a pink tutu or when your daughter prefers playing with trucks. And it can be challenging to navigate through these situations as a family. However, the impact you can have on your child's well-being and happiness is immeasurable by simply being there for them.

This Toolbox is a collaboration with Hohou Te Rongo Kahukura, White Ribbon and Rainbow Hub Waikato.

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