International Women’s Day and the Wonderful Wāhine at Kindred Family Services

International Women’s Day is an opportunity to celebrate the wonderful wāhine in our lives. A mother, daughter, grandmother, workmate, or friend who has inspired or helped you; a day to reflect on the influential ways they have made a difference in who you are.

Back in New York in the early 1900s female textile workers took to the streets and marched to protest against unjust sweatshop-like work conditions, child labour, unjust pay, and unequal rights for women. This became the start of what is now known as International Women’s Day.

Today It’s difficult to believe that women weren’t allowed to vote. It was a proud moment when Kate Sheppard led the suffrage campaign in 1893, making New Zealand the first self-governing country in the world to allow women the vote.

Today International Women’s Day is celebrated globally as a day that highlights the efforts of women; politically, economically, and socially, and to promote a global support network for all women.

Our Wāhine;

Kindred Family Services is made up largely of wāhine, working together on the same path to create whakawhanaungatanga - connection, with a belief in the strength of building relationships and fostering belonging and community through whanaungatanga, (relationships), not only for women but for the whole community.

In celebration of the mahi we do we asked some of our wonderful wāhine to share what it means to be part of Kindred Family Services;

“I’ve seen firsthand the importance of Kindred’s work, especially with young children and women. The positive change it makes is just amazing, so for me to give back and be part of someone else’s journey to live a happy healthy life and live free means a lot”.

“The most important part of my mahi is walking alongside women and learning from them. Everyone's experience of life is so unique. I have grown personally as a woman because of the struggles and joys I have been privileged to share with others”.

“Doing this mahi to me means we can be a part of inclusivity in Aotearoa, we have a voice to provoke equity for all. We hold this as a core value in the mahi we do to make sure support and safety are achievable for everyone, especially on International Women's Day. I love that my workplace honours women and that we have evolved to understand diversity among women and gender identities. We honour the feminine energy in all its forms and work to create a safe space for all. I love this most of all about my mahi”.

“Our team each bring a different flavour to our working environment. I'm inspired everyday by the way we listen to each other, build each other up and respect each other's different perspectives”. 

Anyone, anywhere, can inspire inclusion; to include others openly and without judgment regardless of their race, age, beliefs, gender, or body image. #inspireinclusion

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